ODEM and Staking Provides

At On-Demand Education Marketplace we’re exploring new ways to make education more accessible, affordable and verifiable for students around the world.

One tool we’re developing is the ability of benevolent third-party investors to provide access to ODEM academic programs for students who can’t directly handle ODEM Tokens (ODE), our publicly traded utility token.

ODE acts as the keys to the ODEM Platform. To register for an academic program on the platform, a student must deposit, or stake, ODE worth the equivalent of about 10 percent of the program price. By requiring students to stake, ODEM ensures the orderly operation of its education marketplace.

At the same time, ODEM is keenly aware that some countries do not allow their citizens to buy, sell or trade digital tokens like ODE.

This is an opportunity for holders of ODEM Tokens to come up with staked tokens to enable isolated students to enjoy the benefits of the ODEM Platform.

Third-party involvement also allows participants to shed risk associated with ODE price fluctuations. Smart contracts will automatically connect third-party providers with students who require assistance.

At the end of an academic offering, staking providers’ tokens will be returned to them. For their efforts, the third-parties will be rewarded ODE for enhancing the platform’s functionality.

It’s also important to point out that staking isn’t just for students or third parties. Educators must also stake to confirm their intention to deliver a specific academic course.

Stay tuned for more about ODEM.

Rich Maaghul